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What is Stathead Football?

Stathead offers the most expansive collection of football research tools available to the public. Answer your questions with customized searches through all statistics in NFL/AFL/AAFC/APFA history, including every touchdown since 1920 and every play since 1994. 


Player Tools

Player Game, Season, Play, Streak, Split, Touchdown, Field Goal and Comparison Finders.


Team Tools

Use our comprehensive Team Game, Split, Record, Streak and Drive Finders.


Trade Tools

Find NFL trades from 1994 to today, by team, draft round, draft pick, player position and more.


Draft Tools

Search through NFL/AFL draft picks since 1936 or use our searchable index of NFL Draft Combine results since 2000. 

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Player Game Finder

Season Finder

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Searches To Get You Started

Player Season Finder

How many QBs had more touchdown passes through age-26 than Patrick Mahomes?


Use the Player Season Finder to see that only Dan Marino threw more TD passes through his age-26 season than Patrick Mahomes.

Team Game Finder

Who was the last team before the 2021 Dallas Cowboys to intercept 26 passes in a season?

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Use the Team Game Finder to discover that the Cowboys joined the 2018 Bears as just the second team since 2014 to pick off 26 passes in one year.

Player Split Finder

Who had the best passer rating out of no huddle in 2021?


Use the Player Split Finder to see that Jalen Hurts’s 109.9 passer rating was the best out of no huddle in 2021. 

Player Split Finder

Who was the last player before Ja’Marr Chase to score 13 receiving TDs in his first 16 games?


Use the Player Game Finder to see that Ja’Marr Chase is the first player since Randy Moss to score 13 receiving TDs in his first 16 games.

Team Record Finder

How many teams that started 0-3 reached the playoffs?

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Use the Team Record Finder to see that 2.6% of teams since 1990 that started 0-3 went on to make the playoffs.

Player Split Finder

Only 1 Quarterback/Receiver duo in NFL history has hooked up for 100+ touchdowns. Who are they?


Use the Player Touchdown Finder to discover that Peyton Manning threw an NFL-record 112 touchdowns to Marvin Harrison.

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Frequently asked questions

Do you have any other tips and tricks?

What makes Stathead such a powerful research tool is the depth and breadth of our databases, combined with the endless combinations of filters and search criteria at your fingertips. While some searches are straightforward, there's also many "hidden" tricks you can use to get the answer to questions that might seem unanswerable at first glance. Here's a few of our favorites to get you started. Check back frequently as we continue to add to this page.

Search for Team Season Stats

While the Football Stathead site does not have a "Team Season Finder" like other sports, you can still search and filter for team stats by season and across multiple seasons. And it's easy! 

1. Go to the Team Game Finder

2. For single-season stats, select "Search for Cumulative Season Games matching criteria" at the top

3. For multi-season stats, select "Search for Cumulative Multi-Season Games matching criteria" at the top

4. Sort By whatever stat you are searching for

5. Apply any other filters you'd like to customize your search

6. Click Get Results!

Search for comebacks/blown leads based on time remaining and relative score

In case you didn't know, you can find the largest overall comebacks and blown leads by franchise on each franchise index page on Pro-Football-Reference.  However, if you want to query more specific comebacks -- such as down by 10 points with 5 minutes left in the fourth quarter -- there is no specific "Finder" tool on Stathead for that.  Instead, you can use the Game Play Finder to get the answers to questions like that (data going back to the 1994 season).

Let's demonstrate using an example: Who was the last team to win a game after trailing by double-digits in the last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter?

1. Go to Game Play Finder

2. Choose "Search for All Plays matching criteria at the top of the page"

3. Sort By "Descending Game Date"

4. Set Game Type to "Either"

5. Set Game Result to "Win"

6. In Play Filters, set Quarter to "4th" and Time Remaining to "From 2:00 To 0:00"

7. In Play Filters, set Scoring Margin to "Between -99 and -10"

8. Click Get Results

Then scroll to the section labeled "Individual Plays" and at the top of the table you see a game from Dec. 8, 2013 won by the Patriots over the Browns. Click on the date, and that will bring you to the boxscore for the game and you can verify that the Patriots were down by 12 points with less than 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter before rallying to win. 

Let's do a second example to search for multiple blown leads by a team. In 2020, which team lost the most games after leading at any point in the 4th quarter?

1. Go to Game Play Finder

2. Choose "Search for All Plays matching criteria at the top of the page"

3. Sort By "Descending Game Date"

4. Set Season to 2020

5. Set Game Result to "Win"

6. In Play Filters, set Quarter to "4th"

7. In Play Filters, set Scoring Margin to "Between -99 and -1"

8. Click Get Results

Then scroll to the "Team Defense" table and sort by the second column, labeled "G" (games). The team at the top of the list, the Falcons, is the answer: they lost 5 games when leading at any point in the 4th quarter.

Alternately, if you want to look at teams with the most comeback WINS when trailing at any point in the 4th quarter, you perform the same search, but instead you want to scroll to the "Team Offense" table and sort by games. The team at the top of the list, the Titans, is the answer: they won 5 games when trailing at any point in the 4th quarter.

Can you explain football advanced stats?

Most of the stats you'll find in searches on our Football Stathead site are straightforward stats from boxscores. However, there are a few calculated advanced stats not found on other websites that you might not be familiar with. Here's a quick rundown with definitions of those stats:

ANY/A - adjusted net yards per passing attempt: (pass yards + 20*(pass TD) - 45*(interceptions thrown) - sack yards)/(passing attempts + sacks). 

AV - approximate value. This is our attempt to put a single number on each player-season since 1960 so that we can (very approximately) compare across years and across positions. See this blog page for all the details. 

AY/A - adjusted yards per passing attempt: (pass yards + 20*(pass TD) - 45*(interceptions thrown))/(passing attempts). This stat was introduced, and the reasoning behind it thoroughly explained in a book called The Hidden Game of Football, by Bob Carroll, Pete Palmer, and John Thorn.

NY/A - net yards per passing attempt: (pass yards - sack yards)/(passing attempts + sacks)

Game-Winning Drives - QB must lead an offensive scoring drive in the 4th quarter or overtime that puts the winning team ahead for the last time.

4th Quarter Comebacks -QB must lead an offensive scoring drive in the 4th quarter, with the team trailing by one score, though not necessarily a drive to take the lead. Only games ending in a win or tie are included.

For more information on Game-Winning Drives and Fourth Quarter Comebacks, see this three-part series: 

Part I - Part II - Part III 

Can I download the data? If so, how?

We make it easy to download/export the data from all the stats tables on our sites and the query results tables from Stathead searches. Here's a quick explainer on how to do it:

  • Click on the Export Data link just above the stats and next to the table header (javascript required)
  • Choose Get as Excel Workbook (this will automatically download the data table directly to an Excel spreadsheet) 
  • Choose Get table as CSV (this will convert the table to comma-separated values so you can copy/paste into any spreadsheet program)
PLEASE READ: Currently you are only able to download the results from one page at a time into a single spreadsheet. To view and download more pages of results, click the "Next Page" link at the bottom of the table. 

If you'd like to purchase a custom download of our stats, please see our Data Use Policy for more information.
Can I share my searches with friends?

We know you want to impress your friends with all the amazing sports knowledge you've gained since getting a Stathead subscription ... so that's why we make it easy to share the results from any Stathead query.

To quickly share any page from a Stathead search query, simply click the purple button "Share Results" at the top of the table:


You'll then get a popup on your screen with a tinyURL for sharing:


Click the "Copy to clipboard" link and then paste the URL into a tweet, text message, Instagram post or whatever form of electronic communication you prefer. And let the trash-talking begin!

We also offer the ability to generate CUSTOMIZABLE tables with a variety of output options such as HTML, a shareable link, reddit-specific markup, an iframe, a js widget, and more.

  • Click on the "Export Data" link just above the stats and next to the table header (javascript required):


  • Click the red link labeled "Modify, Export & Share Table"


  • A sharing toolbox appears and buttons to delete columns and rows appear allowing you to pare the data down to just want you want.
  • Please note that any sorting should occur before you delete rows or columns.
  • Next select the output option from html, to iframes, to pre-formatted (good for most internet forums) and more

If we don't have the format you want, please contact us.

You are free to use this data anywhere, we would just ask that you include the citation at the bottom of the table as a courtesy to us for providing this service. Please see our Terms of Service and Data Use Policy for more details.

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