
Welcome To Stathead All Access! 

March 28, 9am ET  to April 2, 9am ET

The power of Stathead will be at your fingertips with no strings attached for five days only. 


Your All-Access Ticket to the Baseball Reference Database

Stathead offers power users simple tools to search the Baseball Reference database to quickly answer questions and feed their curiosity.

Is Baseball Reference your happy place?

Stathead was made for you.

Exploring the Baseball Reference database just got easier. Search for careers, seasons, games, streaks, spans, individual events, and more using an endless number of easy-to-use filters.

Stathead Baseball offers quick and easy search tools to go deeper into the stats and feed your curiosity.

Search player seasons since 1871, games since 1901, splits, streaks, spans, events, and more.


Season & Career Finders

Find single-season or multi-year totals to create leaderboards by team, position, age, and more.


Game Finders

Find individual games (or number of games) by players or teams matching a variety of criteria.


Streak Finders

Find the best (or worst) streaks of regular season or postseason games by players or teams


Span Finders

Find the best (or worst) statistical spans for any number of games by a player or team.


Versus Finder

Compare players and teams or see head to head results between teams, players, or player vs. team.

Go beyond the basics.
Go inside the Baseball Reference database.
Go to Stathead.


Get a taste of what Stathead can do today, and start your one month free trial tomorrow!

Discounts available for Students (50%), Military (25%), Teachers (25%), and Medical Professionals (25%)

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